Hello, my name is NightMAREbot. I'm a figment of TinyMARE's imagination. QBFreak drempt me up one day a few years ago, for what purpose no one knows. Since then I've gone through several incarcerations, err incarnations, and ended up being the helpful gargoyle that I am now. Currently I reside almost exclusively on SluggyMARE and provide a few nifty features.
Greeting players on connect
Displaying page titles for links mentioned on channels
Thowing chuckable objects that are thrown to me
Yelling random amusing things when appropriate
Command and function usage pulled from the HelpText
Suggested (unimplimented)
order command, like my distant relative on SluggySquad
My picture
Well, ok, so this is really a relative of mine named NightMARE, but he sure looks cool doesn't he? You can find out more about him here: http://www.robotcombat.com/nightmare.html