
Elevator objects:

Note that all bold attributes should not be changed.

 o Elevator Parent(#3949R)
  - Floorlist      Space seperated list of DBRefs, in order from first floor
  - curfloor      Elevator sets the current floor here
  - queue      Elevator keeps the floor queue here
  - direction      Elevator keeps the current direction here (1|-1)
  - opendoors (I)   @trigger to open doors
  - closedoors (I)   @trigger to close doors
  - unqueue (I)      @trigger =floornumber (1, 2 etc) to remove a floor from the queue
  - enqueue (I)      @trigger =floornumber (1, 2 etc) to add a floor to the queue
  - elevate (I)      @trigger to make the elevator start processing the queue
  - buttoncmd (I)   Button command, handles the 'push x' commmand and the BLock
  - exitid         DBREF of the exit leaving the elevator, this is required so the elevator can relink the exit
  - doorsopen      Elevator keeps the door status here, all exits for the elevator check this and curfloor for their lock
  - AButton (I)      Handles the actual adding of the floor to the queue, as well as the bsucc and bfail
  - BLock      Lock to determine who can and can't use the buttons, works like a normal lock
  - BFail (I)      Button fail
  - BSucc (I)      Button succ
  - OBFail (I)      Button ofail
  - ABFail      Button afail
  - OBSucc (I)      Button osucc
  - ABSucc      Button asucc
  - XButtoncmd   (I)   Button command if no floor specified 'push' currently the error message is hard coded
  - dcolor (I)      Display color, this is the color used to display the changes in the floor as the elevator moves

 o Elevator Exit Parent <N>(#4009E)
  - EID         Elevator ID (DBREF of the elevator room)

 o Elevator Entrance Parent <S>(#4277E)
  - EID         Elevator ID (DBREF of elevator room)
  - Buttoncmd (I)   Button command, do not change.
  - BLock      Button lock
  - BFail (I)      Button fail
  - OBFail (I)      Button ofail
  - ABFail      Button afail
  - BSucc (I)      Button succ
  - OBSucc (I)      Button osucc
  - ABSucc      Button asucc

 o Elevator Remote Parent(#7212)
  - EID         Elevator ID (DBREF of elevator room)
  - opencmd (I)      Command to open the elevator doors 'open'
  - closecmd (I)      Command to close the elevator doors 'close'
  - enqueuecmd (I)   Command to add a floor to the queue 'enqueue floornum'
  - unqueuecmd (I)   Command to remove a floor from the queue 'unqueue floornum'
  - elevatecmd (I)   Command to make the elevator start processing the queue 'elevate'
  - floorcmd (I)      Command to force the elevator to a new floor 'floor floornum' This does NOT relink the exit leaving the elevator.

For new installations, set the floorlist, curfloor, direction and exitid on the elevator. Also ensure that doorsopen is 1.

-- SluggyQBFreak - 18 Feb 2005
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Feb 2005, SluggyQBFreak
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