TinyMARE HelpText

General Commands > Spells


spells <page>
spells <spellname>
spells =*<playername>

This command gives you a layout of all of the spells that you have mastered. It displays the current level and percentage of mastery that you have of each, followed by a brief description of what each does. Spells can be used in or out of combat or by using the cast command, as long as your character is not in a Muted condition. If you have too many learned techniques, the list will be broken up into various pages. The page number viewed is displayed in the box at the top of the list.

Typing spells with the name of an incantation will display further detailed information about the particular spell, including how many Magic Points are needed to successfully cast the spell, how long it takes to cast the spell, and its specified attack type. Elemental attack types are broken down into four categories: Single- hits one enemy only, Group- hits a species of enemies or an entire party of players, All- hits all enemies in the current room, and Global- hits all enemies and party members in the room. Wizards may type spells =*<playername> to view the current list of spells that another player has. Examples:

  • spells
  • sp magic missile
  • sp =*gandalf

From the winds.org Helptext - Courtesy Gandalf

-- SluggyQBFreak - 05 Feb 2005
Topic revision: r1 - 05 Feb 2005, SluggyQBFreak
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