TinyMARE Helptext

The TinyMARE Helptext is based on the WindsMARE Helptext available at winds.org/helptext. Gandalf of WindsMARE was kind enough to grant WikiMARE permission to reproduce the helptext in edited form.

This reproduction was primarily edited by SluggyQBFreak, with a few pointers from others. Special thanks to SluggySwing and SluggyPhealy for helping track down oddities regarding some of the MARE commands.

Individual topics for each of the entries can be found by entering the command name with the first letter capitalized in the jump box found in the upper-right corner of the page. Topics for the General Commands are named in the form of Commandname, that is, a capital first letter and the rest lowercase. Any +commands are named +commandname. Coding/Building Commands (@ commands) are named AtCommandname, and functions are named FunctionFunctionname. Hopefully this nameing scheme will be adequate to prevent topic name duplication while still remaining easy to understand.

-- SluggyQBFreak - 06 Feb 2005

Based on the WindsMARE Helpfiles - v2.1 Player's Manual

If you are new to TinyMARE: Getting Started
For general information on TinyMARE: General Info

For a list of help topics: Topics

For a list of common commands: commands
For a list of building/coding commands: @Commands
For a list of built-in attributes: attributes
For a list of global functions: functions
For a list of object flags: flags

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Getting Started

Welcome to TinyMARE! Here are some basic commands that will help you get started on your MARE experience:

QUIT - Exit from the MARE. Must be in all caps.
who - Print a list of users currently connected.
look - Look at the room you are in, or at a person or object inside.

"<msg> - Make your character say <msg> in your current room.
=<msg> - Transmit a message over the default [public] +channel.

page <player>=<message> - Sends <message> to <player>, who must be online.

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General Information

TinyMARE, which stands for Multi-User Adventure Role-Playing Epic, is a virtual relaity text-base fantasy game engine. The flagship MARE, WindsMARE combines the survival and exploration objectives of the real world into a theme of medieval proportions, where high priests, lords, wizards and arch-magi, master thieves, dragons, fierce demons, and even the gods themselves may come into play.

There are 5 types of objects: Players, Rooms, Zones, Exits, and Things, each which make up their own part of the virtual database. Rooms are the backbone of the world, for every object in some way must be inside a room. Things can be placed into rooms or other things, acting as containers. Players have the ability to move through rooms or enter things. Exits link the various rooms of the world together, and are used for movement in towns, castles, and the countryside. Zones chart off sectors of numerous rooms for use in full areas of development in the database.

Most basic commands, such as look or take, require typing in a particular object. By specifying this object (such as a Player, Thing, or Exit) by its name, you can tell the MARE exactly what you would like to do with it. If there was more than one object of the same name in the room, you may specify it with an additional number in suffix. Example:

  • fight gray wolf 2

Skip the Table of Contents

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General Commands


announce <message>

This command makes an announcement across the entire game. Every player currently online at the time of the announcement will see this message prefixed with your name. Making an announcement costs a rather hefty fee and is usually discouraged except in under extreme circumstances.

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behavior <option>

This command modifies your combat behavior strategy when encountering enemies in the wilderness. Typing this command without an option displays the selections available to you and what setting you are currently using. The game checks your combat behavior every time you move to another room in the world. Behavior set more aggressively will force your character to automatically attack enemies waiting for you in the next room, while defensive behavior gives the player more time to cast spells or use items before the battle begins. Defensive options are better when you want to travel quickly across the land, and aggressive options are suitable when exploring in areas where battles are quick and you have little time to react. More options may become available to you as you study new skills and techniques.

See also: fight, Fighting

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cast <spellname>
cast <spellname>=<target>

This command calls upon a learned technique and executes it at the given target, if specified. While casting a spell, you cannot move, fight, or use any other item; you must have complete concentration during the chant. How long it takes to chant a particular technique solely lies upon the chosen spell itself. All techniques require and consume some amount of either Magic Points or Endurance Points. You may use the spells command to list or view the current spells that you have learned. Examples:

  • c ref
  • cast refresh=me
  • cast arrow=nuper

See also: spells, Endurance, Magic Power

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This command clears the screen. If the Status Bar is turned on, it will also be reset to the current Terminal Emulation mode.

See also: +sbar, +term

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drop <object>

This command drops a thing from your inventory into the room at which you are currently standing in. This works without restriction in rooms that you own, however, you are not able to drop objects into various rooms composing the village or countryside, or other rooms that you do not own. Event Items, on the other hand, may be dropped anywhere. Event items are not locked, and can be picked up by anyone else with the get command. Items dropped in Oceanic rooms sink (disappear) when the game shuts down.

See also: get, inventory, items, Oceanic

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enter <object>

This command allows you to enter a specified object present in the current room. This object serves as a container, holding you in its inventory. You can freely enter any objects that you own that are not @elocked. For you to enter objects owned by other people, the Enter_Ok flag must first be set on it. To return to the original room once within an object, type 'leave'.

See also: leave, @elock, Enter_Ok

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equip all
equip <item>
equip =*<playername>

This command equips your character with a specific type of weapon or armor shown within your personal items inventory. Weapons are normally equipped in the right hand, and shields are normally equipped in the left hand. You may not equip a shield with weapons that are two-handed, and only with a special skill can you equip each hand with a one-handed weapon. All armor is equipped in their designated slots.

Typing eq without any arguments shows the layout of your character and all of the weapons and armor that have been previously equipped, along with the current Attack Power and Defense Power your character has: both with and without the equipment.

Typing eq all searches your item list and equips the optimum (that is, the best) weapons and armor available to your character. Wizards may type eq =*<playername> to view the current weapons and armor equipped on another player on WindsMARE. Examples:

  • eq staff
  • eq =*gandalf

See also: unequip, items

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examine <object>
examine <object>/<attribute>

examine <object>=all
examine <object>=brief
examine <object>=*pattern*

This command displays all the information contained within a particular object in the virtual database. The information listed includes the description of the object, as well as its owner, the flags set on it, the amount of memory it is currently using, the last time it was modified, and any other such attributes set or coded within the object itself. The object's contents, as well as its link and location are also displayed. You must be able to own the object to view a complete list of information within it, however, if the object also has the Visible flag set, anyone else may examine the object.

Typing examine without any arguments examines the current room you are in. You can also specify a distinct attribute to display on the object. If you specify this command with the argument all, then all attributes inherited by the object's parents will also be listed, prefixed with the number of generations above the attribute has passed through. If used with the keyword brief, then the contents and exits list of an object will not be displayed. If a *pattern* is specified, only those attributes whose values match the pattern will be shown.

See also: @desc, Visible

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This command displays all of the obvious exits found within the current room, as well as the names of the rooms of the destination that each exit is linked to.

See also: @link, @open

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fight <enemy>
fight <full name of player>

This command engages combat against a particular enemy or player located in the current room. Within one round, which usually lasts about 5 or 6 seconds and is dependent upon one's Agility, you will attack the specified target using either your fists or your equipped weapon. Your fighting power, or the amount of damage you inflict on the enemy, is determined mostly by your Attack Power.

If your opponent is still alive by the time you deliver the shot (if any), your enemy may automatically engage into battle against you, striking back before the next round. The battle ends when either you or your opponent is vanquished. You may use any item or any technique maneuver while the fight proceeds to ensure victory, yet you cannot direct a normal attack until all other such techniques are either stopped or executed.

To prevent the accidental initiation of battle against player characters, the name of the player you wish to fight must be typed out in full. See the topic Fighting for a complete summary on the sequence of battles.

See also: cast, equip, use, status, Fighting

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get <object>

This command picks up an object, located within the current room, and places it into your inventory. Only objects which are not @locked may be picked up by any player. You may not pick up other players or exits found within the room. The commands get and take are equivalent.

See also: drop, @lock

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give <recipient>=<object>
give <recipient>=<event item>
give <recipient>=<amount of Gold Pieces>

This command gives either an object found within your inventory, or a reasonable amount of Gold Pieces, to the specified recipient. The recipient must be in the current room that you are in, and can be either a player or another object.

Any amount of Gold Pieces may be given freely to another player, provided you have enough to cover the transaction. Money given to an object that does not have a @cost attribute set will not be accepted. Objects may only be given to another player or object if it is under your ownership or if it has the Enter_Ok flag and the @elock attribute set appropriately. Event items may also be sent to other players in the current room. The item that you wish to send must be found in your items list, and must not be equipped at that moment. Normal event items, such as the Acorns of Life, or legendary pieces of weapons and armor cannot be given to anyone else online.

See also: grab, inventory, put, @cost, @elock, Enter_Ok

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This command makes your character move through an exit in the current room. As an abbreviation, one may just type the name of the exit, or its direction, to pass through to its destination. The commands goto and move are equivalent.

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grab <object1>=<object2>

This command takes object2 from object1, and places it into your inventory. Object1 must also be in your inventory for you to take things from it. Things may be grabbed only if you own their container or if the Grab_Ok flag and the @lgrab attribute on the container is set appropriately. Example:

* grab pouch=rose

See also: give, inventory, put, @lgrab, Grab_Ok

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help ?
help <topic>

This command displays an information screen which provides online help to a player. A player may choose to specify a particular topic to read about, or use ? as the argument to obtain the current version information of the helptext viewer.

Editor's note: The helptext this topic refers to is the in-game helptext. The official online version can be found at winds.org/helptext. This version was adapted from the official online version. -- SluggyQBFreak

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This command lists all of the database objects that you are currently carrying. It should not be confused with the items command, which lists all of your unequipped items, weapons, and armor.

See also: items

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items <page>
items <item name>
items =*<playername>

This command shows you the layout of all of the event items, normal consumable items, and unequipped weapons and armor that you are currently carrying. It displays how much you have of each item, and a brief description of what each item does when used. If you have too many items, the list will be broken up into various pages. The page number viewed is displayed in the box at the top of the list. Typing items with the name of a carried item, either listed with the method above or by using the equip command, will display detailed information about the item itself.

Wizards also have the option of typing items =*<playername> to view the list of items that another player has. Examples:

  • items
  • it medical herb
  • it =*gandalf

See also: equip, inventory, use

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This command makes your character leave from the object you are currently inside of. You cannot leave from anything except an object, and you must be able to pass the @llock set on the object itself. This is the opposite of the 'enter' command, which allows you to enter an object in the current room.

See also: enter, @llock

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The topic TinyMARE.Load does not exist yet. Click here to create it. to top


look <object>
look <player>'s <object>

This command looks in the current room, or just at a particular object if specified. Looking within a room will view the room's description, along with whatever contents and exits are therein. If a room has the Dark flag set, objects within can only be seen when you or another person in the room is using a Torch. Objects or exits set Dark can not be seen unless specified as the actual target to the look command.

If the database reference number of a room is specified when using the look command, you will also view any visible attributes coded within. If you wish to otherwise view attributes, use the examine command instead. If you own the current room, all objects within (including ones set Dark will also be listed).

See also: examine, Dark

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This command lists the lore learned by your character as you travel throughout the storyline theme of the game. The column at the far left lists your available battle tactics, which usually include Fight, Cast, Use, and one or two other current guild commands from skills that you have learned. The next column over to the right lists other informational commands, such as Status, Items, Equip, Spells, Skills, and Save. These commands may be typed in at almost any time to receive information during the game. Help is available for each in further detail.

Also displayed in the lore command is the current storyline chapter that you are on, as well as the race of your character and all of the guilds that you belong to. Any other special effects will also be noted.

See also: fight, Fighting

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map <floor>

This command displays the current map of the wilderness or dungeon that your character is exploring. The flashing star in the center of the map drawing is your present location. Terminals without ANSI emulation will find most maps hard to follow.

In the wilderness, a miniature drawing of your surroundings are displayed. Various text pictures found on the map represent different nearby countryside landmarks. There are generally three types of wilderness. Normal wilderness, which includes normal countryside, mountainous, or arid desert regions, display a fair size distance map. Swamp and marsh regions display a smaller than normal map layout. Rhovanion regions, which include great fields and plains, display a much larger map layout.

Dungeon maps, on the other hand, are quite different. The dungeon sector number, along with a list of the floors (or vertical levels present in the dungeon) are displayed. Depending upon whether or not you have gotten any special dungeon items determines the outlook of the rest of the map. First, each dungeon has a separate map hidden in a Treasure Chest somewhere that includes an ANSI representation of each floor present. Without the map in hand, the only thing you will see is the flashing white star denoting your position in the dungeon. With the map, you can view a preset floor display, which fills up to your current screen size, settable by using the +term command. Second, each dungeon has a compass which uses the map to point to the lair of the boss within. A bright yellow flashing X will appear next to the floor icon to the left which tells which floor the boss is located on. The X will also appear in the physical map of that floor. If the dungeon boss has been defeated, a solid red X will appear instead.

In a dungeon, typing map <floor> will display the actual map of a floor different from the one you are standing on. Each map also displays the compass location, which is translated as the distance from the origin point marked on the map. The origin point is usually the entrance to the dungeon or the central crossroads of the wilderness. Example:

  • map b2

See also: sector, +term

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money <playername>

This command displays how many Gold Pieces you have, both on hand and in the local Vault. Wizards may choose to type money <playername> to find the assets of another player on WindsMARE.

See also: status

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move <exit>

This command makes your character move through an exit in the current room. As an abbreviation, one may just type the name of the exit, or its direction, to pass through to its destination. The commands move and goto are equivalent.

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open <object>

This command opens a particular object in the room, such as a Treasure Chest, and gives you its contents. Once a chest is opened, it can never be reopened by the same player.

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page <playername>=<message>

This command sends a message to any other player currently online. You may send messages to more than one player at a time by using spaces in between the player names. If the player you specify is disconnected or hidden, their @away message will be displayed. If the player is idle, or hasn't typed in any command longer than five minutes, their @idle message will be displayed. If the player is currently not accepting pages and has their @plock attribute set against you, you will see their @haven message. Examples:

  • p gandalf=What is the airspeed velocity of an coconut-laden swallow?
  • page gandalf zythis=Hi there, admins!

See also: @away, @haven, @idle, @plock

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This command searches the wilderness area around you and picks the plant that is most abundant in the area. The effects of the plant are immediate, and could be both helpful or harmful to the player depending upon what type of plant it is. Only rangers are known to preserve the plants they pick for later use, either for themselves or against their foes.

See also: search

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pose <message>

This command emits a message in your current room, using your character's name as the first word of the sentence. For example, if your name was Bob and you typed '=pose laughs!=', everyone else will see the message '=Bob laughs!=' This command may be abbreviated using :<message>, or by using ;<message> for possessives. Examples:

  • pose jumps up and down.
  • :is getting the hang of this.
  • ;gunna defeat the monster!

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put <object1>=<object2>

This command puts object2 inside of object1, both of which are originally located in your inventory. Objects can only be put inside others that are under your ownership, or if they have the Enter_Ok flag and the @elock attribute set appropriately.

See also: give, inventory, @elock, Enter_Ok

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This command lists the names of the level quests you've completed during your adventuring career. Level quests reduce the number of Experience Points needed on a specific level to get to the next level. Upon completion of a level quest, the player gains an amount of EXP inversely proportional to the number of quests available for a particular level. If only one quest exists, then the player gets half of the EXP needed. If two exist, then the player gets one-third EXP for each completed, and so on. The player is only granted experience points at the time of completing the quest when he is already on the specified level, otherwise the player will automatically get the experience points when he achieves a levelup to that level. If a level quest is marked as required, a player may not advance to the specified level for which the quest is required to be done. The player's Experience For Next will remain at 0 until the quest is completed, where it will then automatically levelup that player. Required level quests may or may not grant any EXP.

You can view the list of all available level quests by typing the command @list quests, or using @list quest=<level> for detailed descriptions about each one on a particular level. A level quest cannot be completed by any player whose level is higher than that specified. You can also see the number of level quests completed by using the score command.

See also: score, Experience

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This command attempts to escape from a hazardous battle in the dungeon or countryside. Upon escaping, you will move through a random exit, or whichever is not blocked by monsters. Running from difficult monsters is a good practice, as long as you don't make it a habit to venture often into the uncharted wilderness until you raise your levels high enough to win most battles successfully. You cannot run when fighting a major boss enemy.

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This command saves your current status and location in the game. You must either own the room you are in, or it needs to have the Abode flag set, represented by an A appearing after the database reference number of the room. You cannot save in boss zones or if you have a disruptive ailment.

See also: load, status, Abode

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say <message>

This command makes your character say a message to all the other people in the room. You may see who else is in the room by typing look. This command may be abbreviated using "<message>.

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score <player>

This command shows your current score in the game, including some of the most commonly requested statistics about your character, status attributes, and health that your character is currently experiencing. Further detail can be viewed through the other game information commands: status, lore, and summary. Only Wizards have the ability to view the score of other players in the realm.

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This command makes your character search your surroundings in the current room that you are standing in. You will be notified if you find anything unusual nearby. It is a good practice to search often while exploring dungeons or unmapped rooms, for many hidden secrets such as treasure chests could be revealed.

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This command displays information about the wilderness zone area that you are currently standing in. It shows the defined sector number and name, along with the common enemy encounters you will normally find as you move through the rooms within. Sector also brings up information about the current room, such as which flags it has and which floor you are on (in dungeons). Most dungeon and wilderness sectors have their own rooms mapped out, and are visible to players by using the map command.

See also: map, Zones

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skills <page>
skills <technique name>
skills =*<playername>

This command gives you a layout of all of the special skills that you have learned during your journeys. It displays the percentage of mastery that you have of each, and a brief description of what each does. Skill effects are automatic; they cannot be used by any direct means, but are instead triggered through the usage of other actions only a percentage of the time. If you have too many learned techniques, the list will be broken up into various pages. The page number viewed is displayed in the box at the top of the list.

Typing skills with the name of a technique will display further detailed information about the particular skill, including how many Endurance Points it costs to activate the skill, and how many Technique Points are needed for the next percentage level of mastery. Various skills aid you in your quest in many numerous ways, and it is recommended that you learn as many as you can throughout your adventure. Each separate guild has their own learnable skill, with unique effects pertaining to that guild's field of study. Some skills enable the usage of other commands, which appear under the list of combat tactics using the lore command. Wizards may type skills =*<playername> to view the current list of skilled techniques that another player has. Examples:

  • skills
  • sk swim
  • sk =*gandalf

See also: lore, spells

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spells <page>
spells <spellname>
spells =*<playername>

This command gives you a layout of all of the spells that you have mastered. It displays the current level and percentage of mastery that you have of each, followed by a brief description of what each does. Spells can be used in or out of combat or by using the cast command, as long as your character is not in a Muted condition. If you have too many learned techniques, the list will be broken up into various pages. The page number viewed is displayed in the box at the top of the list.

Typing spells with the name of an incantation will display further detailed information about the particular spell, including how many Magic Points are needed to successfully cast the spell, how long it takes to cast the spell, and its specified attack type. Elemental attack types are broken down into four categories: Single- hits one enemy only, Group- hits a species of enemies or an entire party of players, All- hits all enemies in the current room, and Global- hits all enemies and party members in the room. Wizards may type spells =*<playername> to view the current list of spells that another player has. Examples:

  • spells
  • sp magic missile
  • sp =*gandalf

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status <enemy>

This command displays in full your character's current status in the game. Among the list of items displayed are your current and maximum Hit Points, your current and maximum Magic Power, current and maximum Endurance, your character's Level, your total Experience and how much you need for the next level, your current alignment (Virtue), how many non-fatal deaths you have undergone during your adventure, and how many steps you've taken from the start. Various attributes are also listed, including your current Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, Agility, Luck, Attack Power, Defense Power, and Magic Attack Power.

The amount of Gold Pieces both on hand and in the Vault is displayed, with the amount of Task Points that you have earned. Your Critical Rate and Experience Rate are also displayed, along with the number of sessions you have connected to the game and the amount of time you have spent online (in hours:minutes). Wizards have the ability to status other players and enemies in the realm. Help is available for each of the topics mentioned above.

See also: lore

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This command stops any current incantation being cast, or any special technique being used within or outside of battle. If used in the heat of battle, your technique will merely stop and you will attack your enemy at the next possible chance.

See also: cast

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This command brings death to your character at an instant, returning you to a specific point (which varies from game to game) to await resurrection at your previous save point. Use this command when you find yourself mortally wounded and there is no enemy nearby to finish you off.

See also: save

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This command shows you the battle summary of your online session, including the number of monsters you have killed and the number of times you have died. Among the fields, Experience Gained is the number of Experience Points gotten from killing enemies or players. Gold Difference is the total amount of Gold Pieces that you have both on hand and in the Vault, and how it has changed (positively or negatively) since the time you have last connected. Steps Taken is the number of room moves while online. Total Damage Inflicted is the amount of damage actually absorbed by the enemies you have fought. The Hit Average readout is a percentage of the number of successful hits that you have made against an enemy, divided by your total number of attacks.

Two more fields are present. Damage taken without protection is the total amount of damage that an enemy has actually inflicted upon you, without subtracting any rebound movements or armor defense points. Damage taken with protection is the total amount of Hit Points that you have lost, with armor defense points added, from attacks inflicted by enemies. It is a general rule that if the amount of damage taken with protection is greater than half of the amoung of damage taken without protection, that you are fighting in too heavy of a territory and the monsters might be a bit too strong for you. On a further note, this is the same screen that is displayed when you disconnect from the game using QUIT.

See also: QUIT

Editor's Note: This command appears to have been removed. -- SluggyQBFreak - 05 Feb 2005

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take <object>

This command picks up an object, located within the current room, and places it into your inventory. Only objects which are not @locked may be picked up by any player. You may not pick up other players or exits found within the room. The commands get and take are equivalent.

See also: drop, @lock

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talk <person>

Talk to townspeople and various other non-player characters by using this command. Many townspeople give clues and other hints about the storyline that you are role-playing, while others just go about their normal way through the town unwilling to talk to a perfect stranger about the local events and happenings. It is a good habit to always talk to a person more than once, for they often say something different.

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to <playername> <message>

This command sends a message to all the players who are in the current room. The message is prefixed with your character name, and the name of the person you are directing the text to. This command may be abbreviated using '<playername> <message>. Using : or ; as the first letter of the message changes the output to a pose. Examples:

  • to gandalf Nice day, today!
  • 'gandalf How much wood can a woodchuck chuck..
  • 'all :is leaving soon.

See also: pose, say

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unequip <object>

This command unequips any weapon or armor that you currently have equipped, provided it is not cursed, and places it into your items listing. The changes in your Defense Power are also displayed.

See also: equip, items

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use <item>
use <item>=<target>
use <object>=%0,%1,..,%9

This command uses a particular item, found within your items list. If no target is specified, the game assumes you would like to use the item on yourself. Each item has a different effect, which is displayed when you examine it further by typing items <itemname>. Depending upon the available skills, you may use variour armor and weapons to produce different effects against a target enemy. Regular items disappear when used, however special weapons and armor may have several or infinite charges. Objects with the @use, @ause, and @ouse attributes set appropriately may also be used, and additional arguments passed to the command will be parsed as %0, %1, and so on.

See also: items, @trigger

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This command displays the game's weather almanac, which includes data on various climate temperatures around your area, the sunrise and sunset of the current day, chance of rain, humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, visibility, and barometric pressure. It also shows the phase of the moon, as well as the current game time since the "beginning" of the world. Various functions listed below can also be used to obtain almanac information through coding.

See also: alttemp(), avgtemp(), gettemp(), wdate(), wtime()

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whereis <playername>

This command shows you the location of a particular player currently online the game. You may set the Dark flag on your character if you do not wish to be located by other players. Setting the @hlock attribute appropriately, or hiding from a user, is also a decent way to protect your location from being known. Typing where without any arguments will scan the rooms around you for any monsters or other players visible in the distance. You can only scan for players in the open wilderness.

See also: @hlock, Dark

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whisper <player>=<message>

This command whispers a message to the specified player, who must be located in the same room you are in. Other people in the room will see that you are whispering to someone, but will not be able to make out the contents of the message.

It should be noted that races with the hearing condition (such as SluggyMARE's Felinoid race) can hear other people whispering in the same room.

See also: page

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who ?
who <flags>
who =<playerlist>
who <flags>=<playerlist>

This command displays the list of players currently connected to the game. Hidden players are not listed, but could still be counted in the value of total users shown at the end of the list. The <playerlist> is a space-separated list of the only players that you would like to see on the wholist.

<flags> is a list of words which represent the columns that you would like to see in the who list. There are two versions of each column: short and long. If the first letter of the flag is capitalized, the game will display the long version, as opposed to lowercase for the short. Type who ? for a list of currently available flags. If no flags are specified, the who list defaults to name alias idle Level gender race doing poll, or if there are over 200 people online, just name level. Your default flag settings may be changed by using the @whoflags attribute to store the value on yourself.

See also: @whoflags

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wimpy <Hit Points>

This command either displays or sets your current Wimpy percentage value. When an enemy hits you with an attack, the game checks this value to see if your Hit Points have gone below that marked percentage. If your Hit Points are low enough, your character will wimp out and automatically run away from the battle. Use this mostly when exploring new territory and are unsure of what type of monsters you might encounter there.

See also: fight, run, Fighting, Hit Points

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wish <name>
wish <name>=<target>

You can get wishes by having enough Task Points on hand. A wish is something that can not be gotten by normal means on the game, such as an added effect to your character, increased stats, or the like. Type wish by itself for a list of wishes to choose from. Using the name of the wish, you can get more information about what each one does. The wish will not be requested and no Task Points will be used unless you specify a valid <target> for the wish, which is usually an item you are carrying or the word me. If you're looking for a wish that isn't available, speak with a Wizard online and it might be added, as long as it's reasonable.

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+channel <channel name>
+channel -<channel name>

This command lists or sets your channels for the online communications system. The +com system supports an arbitrary number of case-sensitive named channels. Players who are working as a group can make up a channel name for their group and add it to the list of channels which their +com is listening to.

+ch <channel name> sets the default channel for use with the abbreviated communications command, =msg. +ch -<channel name> removes a channel from your list. Typing +ch without any arguments shows the list of channels that you are currently listening to. You can listen to as many simultaneous channels as you wish. For a general chatting channel, turn to channel public.

See also: +com

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+com <channel>=who
+com <channel>=<message>

This command sends a message over a particular communications channel, quite like an interactive speaking radio. You can get a list of your current channels by using the +ch command. If the message sent contains only the word who, you will receive a listing of all the players currently on that channel. Channel names are case-sensitive. Speaking on your default channel may be abbreviated by using the command =msg.

See also: +channel

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+finger <playername>

This command displays extended information about a specific player on the game. It shows the level, race, and list of occupations that the player has, along with the time spent online, real life name, email address, and a possible @plan that the player has set on himself or herself. If the player is not online or hidden from you, it will show you the last time the player connected to the game.

See also: +laston, @plan

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+info ?
+info all
+info <topic>

This command displays the current database breakdown of the Mare, showing many statistics of different categories. The display has been broken up into several topics, which may be displayed by typing +info <topic>. Typing +info ? will show you the full list of current topics visible. Typing +info all will display full information about each topic, which can get rather large.

See also: +uptime, +version, @stats

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+language <new language>

Displays or selects your currently spoken language. This affects commands that say things in the room, such as say, pose, and to. It does not affect out-of-character commands such as page and +com. Setting a language may enhance or cripple your ability to talk with non-player characters as you meet them in the story.

When another player hears you speak a language they don't know 100%, your words are replaced by gibberish depending on how much they know that language. Knowing a language at least 10% allows you to somewhat read scrolls and write words. 50% is required to be able to speak in a tongue. At 90%, you can fluently speak the language and teach it to others.

Over time, you can learn the language that others are speaking by joining in a +party with them. They must have the language selected and in use during your travels. You will not know if you have learned the language until it reaches 10%. Some races initially start off with the ability to speak or understand more than one language.

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+laston <playername>

This command tells you the last time the player has logged onto the game, and if the player is currently disconnected, the last time the player has logged off. You cannot view the login times of players that are hidden from you.

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The +mail system allows a user to send messages to anyone else online, and read messages sent by other players. To send someone a message, type +mail <player>=<text>. You may specify more than one player to send mail to by separating their names with a space, but standard prices apply for each additional message to be sent. Typing +mail without any arguments will display the list of messages you currently have in your mailbox. To view a message, type +mail <message#>. To delete a message, type +mail delete=<message#>. Deleted messages disappear from your mailbox when you leave the game. A full list of +mail commands is shown below.

+mail [list] - Lists your current mail messages.
+mail check - Checks if new mail has arrived.
+mail clear - Completely clears out your mailbox.
+mail clear<msg#> - Erases a particular message number.
+mail delete=<msg#> - Marks a message for deletion.
+mail undelete=<msg#> - Saves a message from deletion.
+mail protect=<msg#> - Protects a message from being erased with +mail clear.
+mail unprotect=<msg#> - Returns message status to normal.
+mail [read] <msg#> - Reads a particular message.
+mail [send] <player>=<text> - Sends a message to a player.
+mail reply <msg#>=<text> - Replies to a particular message.
+mail forward <msg#>=<player>[,<text>] - Forwards a message to another player.
+mail rewrite/purge - Purges mailbox, zapping all messages marked deleted.
+mail version - Prints out the current TinyMARE Mail System version.

Wizard commands:
+mail scan <player>[=<msg#>] - Views mailfile of another player.
+mail remove <player>=<msg#> - Removes a message from player's mailfile.
+mail reset - Erases the entire mailfile.

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Displays the current message of the day. The file that you see is the same one that is presented each time you log into the game, just before connecting.

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Currently unimplemented.

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TinyMARE's +party system allows a group of people to explore the wilderness and dungeons together as a single party of adventurers. Members of this group follow a designated leader as a team, each taking their turn to attack monsters and share in the experience gained. Party members are oriented by rank and formation, with the leader in the front row. The leader can choose different formations based on his or her combat ability. All members can see their position on the field, as well as the status of each and every other member of the party. A party of players makes for a formiddable opponent against any threat that crosses your path.

How it works:

It only takes one person to begin a party. You can start a new party by entering the command +party create=<name>, where <name> is the name of your new party. Next, you can check out the status of your party by typing +party status. This will show your vital party statistics, including when it was created, how many Experience Points have been earned, and who is in your party.

A box to the left of the main status display shows your current party's formation as it would be on the field of battle. The numbers in the box show where your party members are in relation to each other, according to rank. In normal attacks, enemies If the party leader dies, he will exchange places with rank #2. People in a party not fighting in the same sector of the wilderness will not obtain the experience points the other gains from killing an enemy. Otherwise, all Experience Points gained are equally divided among members with a remainder going to the topmost in rank. Gold Pieces won from enemies are given out randomly to the party members present. Technique Points are given to the player who defeats the enemy. While fighting, your Agility determines who goes first in the party. You will automatically leave the party if you disconnect from the game.

+party status can show a general display of your present party's statistics. In the flags line, L stands for Leader (rank 1). F indicates that the person is following the leader around the wilderness (normally this should be the case). H means that the person is hiding his party title from other players outside of the party. A means the player has a condition ailment associated with his status. You may use +party com or the command -<msg> to send a message to everyone in the party. A full list of +party commands is shown below.

Party Member Commands:
+party list - Lists the parties currently running in the game.
+party status - Shows the current status of the party.
+party create=<name> - Create a new party.
+party join - Join the party that you have last been invited to.
+party leave - Leave the current party.
+party follow - Start/stop following your leader through rooms.
+party hide - Hide/Show that you belong to the current party.
+party row=<rank#> - Switch to a lower rank in party formation.
+party com=<message> - Sends a message to everyone in the party.

Party Leader Commands:
+party name=<new name> - Rename the current party.
+party invite=<player> - Invite another player to your party.
+party kick=<player> - Boots the player out of the party.
+party leader=<player> - Selects someone else to be the leader.
+party rank=<player>,<rank#> - Positions a player to a specific rank.
+party formation=<strategy> - Selects a new party formation during combat.
+party reset - Clears the Exp/Min and resets party's creation time.

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+sbar on|off
+sbar reset
+sbar floor
+sbar color=<0-10>
+sbar clock=on|off|default|12|24|game|game-24|age

The status bar is a real-time region that gets fixed to the top of your viewing screen, using VT100 or ANSI terminal emulation. The components of the status bar are your current Hit Points, Magic Power, Endurance, Gold Pieces, Level, and current Condition. Also shown is your total Experience, and how many points you need for the next level.

Type +sbar on or +sbar off to turn your status-bar on or off. The status bar will be removed when you properly disconnect from the game. If your status-bar ever gets jumbled, typing +sbar on or clear will redisplay the screen, hopefully fixing any errors. The background color of the status-bar may be set by using +sbar color=#, where # is a number from 0 through 10. To reset your entire status-bar configuration to default vaules, type +sbar reset.

In this status bar is also implemented a real-time clock. You may alter the clock, using the command +sbar clock, to show 12 or 24 hour real-life or current-game time. You may also specify to display your character's age, shown in hours:minutes. Also, at times during your travels, you will notice two letters appear in the upper right corner of your status bar. This tells you that you have changed to a new floor, or level, in a particular dungeon. To view the current floor you are on, type +sbar floor.

See also: clear, sector, weather, +term

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+term <setting>
+term <setting>=<value>

This command displays and sets the terminal attributes on your particular character, for use with the game's output display. Typing +term alone shows you a list of both modifyable and inferred settings. If you type +term <setting>, you will be shown a list of values appropriate for that particular setting. Inferred variables may not be changed, but are presented to the game depending upon the current state of your connection. Upon creation of your character, most of these settings are asked in the form of a brief questionnaire. Most commands look nicer if your terminal has ANSI emulation present.

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+tzone <offset>:<y|n>

This command tells the Mare which timezone you are in, so that all functions dealing with time will be adjusted according to where you live in real life. <offset> is the number of hours before or after Greenwich Mean Time, from -10 to 13. Default offset for the Mare is usually -5, Eastern Standard Time. <y|n> refers to whether or not your timezone changes to Daylight Savings Time every 6 months. Default is Yes.

Editor's note: This does not affect the time displayed in the weather command. -- SluggyQBFreak - 06 Feb 2005

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This command displays various runtime statistics concerning the game itself, including the exact time in which the game was last turned on, last rebooted, and how many minutes it will be until the time the game next saves its database.

See also: +version, uptime()

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This command displays current version information for netmare, including which type of operating system it was compiled on, what compiler did the effort, the date of the last hardcode upgrade, and the current database version being used.

See also: +uptime, version()

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This command disconnects you from the game, saving your entire character's status, location, and inventory. Items you are holding do not disappear when you are away from the game, and things will resume as normal when you reconnect. Please note that this command must be typed in all CAPS.

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Similar to QUIT, the Reconnect command disconnects your character from the game and immediately returns you to the login prompt, where you may once again connect to your character or select a new one to login to.

See also: QUIT

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Coding/Building Commands


@wait <seconds>=<commands>
@wait <seconds>/<string>=<commands>

This command places a series of commands into the wait queue. The commands will not be executed until the number of <seconds> in real time have elapsed. Commands on the argument line may be separated by using a semicolon. You may check the queue by using the @ps command to see how much longer it will be before a particular command executes. If a <string> is specified, the wait will be named in the command queue. If a wait of the same name exists, it will be replaced.

See also: @force, @ps, @switch, @trigger, @semaphore, @cancel

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@inactivity all
@inactivity <playername>

Powers: Nuke

This command lists or processes all characters that have not logged onto the game for an extended period of time. The length of time each player may go inactive depend upon their Level and Experience Points that they have. Players with 0 Experience Points only get 7 days of inactivity, players lower than Level 4 get 1 month, others lower than Level 25 get 3 months, and all others get a total of 6 months of inactivity time. If the database is not combat-enabled, all non-administrative players get 6 months. If you specify a <playername> along with this command, it will check to see if that particular player is inactive or not according to the above rules.

Once every Saturday night at sunset in game-time, netmare will automatically @nuke all characters who are considered inactive. This only occurs if the @config setting INACTIVENUKE has a value of 1. A wizard may type @inactivity all to nuke all such characters at different times of the week. It is also possible to save any character from destruction completely by setting that player with the Inactive_OK flag.

See also: @nuke, Inactive_OK

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Global Functions


Functions provide the backbone to coding commands and objects on TinyMARE. They are used to call on-the-fly routines which take text arguments (input strings) and manipulate them to print its results within the the context of a command.

Functions can be present in the text areas of many different commands (such as Say or @emit) and take the form: [function(arguments)], where <function> is the name of the function used, and <arguments> is a comma-separated list of input parameters given to the function. In most commands, the brackets [] are required to tell TinyMARE that the text inside is indeed a function call and not to be represented literally. For example, the most common way to test the results of a function is to Say it in the room, like this: say [add(2,2)]

Functions may be nested within each other, as in the phrase [first(rest(This is a nice day))], which returns the string 'is'. Note that additional brackets are not required around the rest() function because the game already knows it is a function call. In this manner, the game can differentiate between a text string and a function call if there is only one word followed by a matching set of parentheses. Likewise, most coding commands do not require brackets around a function if they are the only thing present in an argument field. For instance, the function use in @wait mul(60,5)=@emit Tick! is legal because the [mul()] function is the only text present in the <seconds> field.

Not all commands parse (or expand) functions. Some commands such as Page or +mail will not parse functions so that players may send messages with literal function strings in them. Players wishing to parse functions can prefix the command line with the string @force me= to send the text into the parser. When coding, it is imperative that you understand which commands perform automatic parsing and which do not. See [#Parser][Parser]] for more information on the command-line parser.

Any function fed with illegal input strings beyond what it can handle will return an error. Errors begin with the word #-1 and may or may not contain text after it describing the error. For example, using the function [get(#1,desc)] to get the description of object #1 in the database will print #-1 Permission denied. because you do not own that object. Mathematical functions will generally return 0 or inf on error (for infinity).

For help with a particular function, type help functionname() or enter FunctionFunctionname in the Jump box in the top right corner of the page. See Function List for a list of the available functions broken down into groups. Type @list functions for a semi-alphabetical list of all the functions built into the game. A tutorial on functions is available, describing their most common and challenging uses: help Function Tutorial.

See also: Function List, Function Tutorial, Parser

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inzone(<zone object>)

Returns a space-separated list of database reference numbers for each room that is linked to zone object. You must have ownership permissions on the zone object.

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itemloc(<spell number>)

Returns the dbref location of forged item number spell number. Note that the $ is not used to reference the item.

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lcon(<room>, <plane>)

Returns a space-separated list of database reference numbers for each object that is contained in object or room. If you specify a plane, only objects on that plane in room will be shown. plane has no effect when object is not a room.

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Powers: Functions

Returns the database reference number of the location of <object>. To view the location of an object owned by someone else, it either must be in a room that you control with the Functions power or be an object that you can see from your present location.

The location of a room or zone is the object itself, and the location of an exit is the room of its source.

Players not set Dark can be located as long as they are in a room set with a Jump_Ok, Link_Ok, Abode, or Visible flag. Zones not set Universal can locate any object in any room belonging to the zone.


  [loc(me)]   => '#42'
  [loc(#42)]  => '#42'


"#-1 Too far away to see." - The <object> isn't in your immediate vicinity.

See also: rloc(), room()

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This function returns the nearest number in a set of numbers--i.e. the element in <list> that is nearest to <target>.

<mode> can be one of L or G. If <mode> is l, the nearest number that <target> is less-than is returned, if <mode> is g, the nearest number that <target> is greater-than is returned. If <target> is not specified, the nearest match is chosen. If there are two matches equal distance from <target> the lesser number takes precedence. The closest match that can be made to a number is the number itself.


Function Returns
[nearest(1 2 3 9,5)] 3
[nearest(1 2 3 9,5,L)] 9
[nearest(1 2 3 9,8,G)] 3
[nearest(1 2 3 4,4)] 4

See also: lnum(), randword()

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This function returns a list of exit database reference numbers in a path between two points. The location of <object> is used as the starting point, and <destination> is the destination room. <limit> specifies the maximum number of rooms away to search from the location of <object>. The maximum value of <limit> is 100.

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regmatch(<string>, <pattern>)
regmatch(<string>, <pattern>, <register>)

This function performs regular expression matching with <pattern> on <string>, returning 1 if there is a match or 0 if no match exists. The <pattern> may contain wildcards * and ?, but it must not begin with any boolean characters. The <pattern> is not case-sensitive.

This function has the side-effect of modifying the environment variables %0 through %9 with the text substituted by each wildcard in <pattern>. That is, the text matching the first * or ? becomes %0, the second becomes %1, and so on up through %9. Wildcards beyond %9 are not recorded but still determine whether a successful match takes place.

An optional <register> number from 0 to 9 can be specified. This determines the first environment variable to which the parser will begin recording matches.

If only the side-effect of the function is wanted, you can use [mid(x,0,0)] or [left(x,0)] to nullify the result.


Command Displays
say Match=[regmatch(@set me=Dark,@set =)], env0=%0, env1=%1 You say, "Match=1, env0=me, env1=Dark"
say Match=[regmatch(Does not match,*k*)], env0=%0, env1=%1 You say, "Match=0, env0=, env1="
say [left(regmatch(abc def,* *,2),0)]env0=%0, env1=%1, env2=%2, env3=%3 You say, "env0=, env1=, env2=abc, env3=def"


  • #-1 Invalid global register. - The <register> was not in the range 0 to 9.

See also: match(), setq(), setr()

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rloc(<object>, <levels>)

Powers: Functions

This function can be used to recursively get <object>'s location up to 100 levels of recursion. The <levels> parameter indicates the number of nested [loc()] calls to make on <object>, except that this function allows you to take the location of objects that would previously fail if you can not control <object>'s location. For example, [loc(loc(<object>))] could be replaced with [rloc(<object>,2)].

[rloc(<object>,0)] is the same as [num(<object>)], and [rloc(<object>,1)] is the same as [loc(<object>)].


  > say [num(me)] = [type(me)]
  You say, "#100 = Player"
  > say [loc(me)] = [type(loc(me))]
  You say, "#188 = Thing"
  > say [loc(loc(me))] = [type(loc(loc(me)))]
  You say, "#186 = Room"
  > @foreach 0 1 2 3=say [rloc(me,v(0))]
  You say, "#100 #188 #186 #186"


"#-1 Too far away to see." - The <object> isn't in your immediate vicinity.

See also: loc(), room()

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Performs pronoun substitution and function evaluation on the given expression, using the priviledges and point of view of <player> and imitating the cause of the function from <cause>. Like s(), this enables you to assign values to %# and %! as <cause> and <player>, respectively. You must be able to control both <cause> and <player> to perform an accurate substitution.


Function Returns
[s_as({%N(%#) -> %U(%!)},me,here)] Gandalf(#14) -> Gandalf's Patch(#2)

See also: Pronouns, s()

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setdiff(<list1>,<list2>,<input delim>,<output delim>)

This function returns the difference of two sets of words--i.e. the elements in <list1> that are not in <list2>. If <list1> contains duplicate words, then each occurrance of a matching word is removed from <list1>, and all other words remain unchanged. Words are matched case-insensitive.


Function Returns
[setdiff(1 2 3,2 4 6)] 1 3
[setdiff(#3 #17 #19 #25 #180,#17)] #3 #19 #25 #180
[setdiff(Three and seven and ten,and)] Three seven ten

See also: setinter(), setunion()

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setinter(<list1>,<list2>,<input delim>,<output delim>)

This function returns the intersection of two sets of words--i.e. the elements that are both in <list1> and <list2>. The resulting set will not contain any duplicate words. Words are matched case-insensitive.


Function ReturnsSorted ascending
[setinter(1 2 3,2 4 6)] 2
[setinter(1 2 6 6 8,6 6 10)] 6
[setinter(a b c d,A C E)] a c

See also: setdiff(), setunion()

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setunion(<list1>,<list2>,<input delim>,<output delim>)

This function returns the union of two sets of words--i.e. the elements in either <list1> and <list2> minus any duplicate elements. This function can be used with an empty set {} for <list2> to remove all duplicate words in a list. Words are matched case-insensitive.


Function Returns
[setunion(1 2 3,2 4 6)] 1 2 3 4 6
[setunion(a b c d,A C E)] a b c d E
[setunion(12 4 7 4 9,{})] 12 4 7 9

See also: setdiff(), setinter()

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timefmt(<format>, <time>)

Powers: Functions

Returns <time> as a formatted string as described in <format>. <time> is in the format of seconds, typically seconds since Unix Epoch. <format> contains one or more letters describing the format of the string to be returned. timefmt() is frequently used with xtime() to format the current date and time, but it can be used with anything that generates a value in seconds.

Format Characters

Character Returns Sample
W Day of the week (long) Saturday
D Day of the week (short) Sat
w Day of the week (numeric) 6
F Month (long) February
M Month (short) Feb
n Month (numeric) 2
m Month (numeric, 2 digit) 02
d Day of the month 18
e Day of the month (2 digit?) 18
S DoM suffex th
y Year (short) 17
Y Year (long) 2017
G Hour (12 hour) 5
H Hour (12 hour, 2 digit) 05
h Hour (24 hour) 17
g Hour (24 hour, 2 digit?) 17
i Minutes 39
s Seconds 32
p am/pm (lowercase) pm
P am/pm (uppercase) PM
j Day of the year 49
x Seconds since Epoch 1487458243
u ?? Large number 273668
I ?? DST flag?? 0
  [timefmt({W, F n, Y},xtime())]   => 'Saturday, February 2, 2017'

See also: xtime(), time(), tma(), tmf(), tml(), tms()

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-- SluggyQBFreak - 04 Feb 2005

  • ANSI-OK.png:
Topic revision: r24 - 19 Dec 2017, SolarQBFreak
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